always understand that Easter is one out of the 3 significant events in the
Life of Jesus (His Birth, Death and Resurrection). At Easter we remember the
last week of Jesus' life, or 'Holy Week'. This signals the end of Lent, in the
Christian calendar.
The amazing grace. What’s so amazing about this
grace at Easter, what’s so interesting, what so illuminating about this grace.
After all, life is just full of pleasure hm. Amazing as it is the “Amazing
grace” brought a solution to eternal condemnation. It brought hope of everlasting
life and glory. Isn’t it amazing that after the pressures of life instead of
the pleasure that many think about its all about the pleasure of eternity. “They shouted 'Hosanna' which means 'Save us now'.

our dear society today people remember Palm Sunday by decorating churches
with palm branches, and other shows or dramatic acting’s portraying the death
of Christ on the cross. But then, it’s not all about the palm tree, or the
decorations and the remembrance it’s much more than that. Some people in the
congregation understood “they shouted Hosanna” (save us now).

That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
were once lost but know we are found, once was blind but no we see..Jesus is
the ultimate. He did not allow the distractions around him, He suffered and
The symbolism of Grace
A sign was placed above Jesus' cross which read 'The King of
the Jews'. When Jesus conquered the cross, He was not only the king of the Jew,
but the savior of the world. our shame he took, our debts he bore, our pains He
suffered. It’s a great privilege to know that this very Jesus gave us hope for
a new beginning and a new life. Jesus is not only the King of the Jew but the
king of All. That only through Him we can live, through Him we can breath,
there’s no one like Him. He is the king of Life, the king of victory, King of
salvation. Jesus has become the symbol that no one can cross to the other side
of life eternal except through Him. “I am the way the truth and the life no one
can come to the father except through me. Jesus experienced a very slow and agonizing
death. Watch out one amazing thing that happened in the event of Jesus
crucifixion. One of the prisoners at Jesus left looked up and acknowledged he
is a sinner. Immediately he new that a heart came and the grace about to come,
he said Jesus remember me in paradise. Jesus said you will be with me in
paradise. Only if we acknowledge, can we gain that new life that is in Christ. The
life of peace and fulfillment.

Jesus had indeed risen from the dead.
Jesus suffered
and died on the Cross, His body being put to death, and His spirit died when He
was made sin. But His spirit was made alive and He yielded it to the Father.
God's amazing grace and mercy now obligates us to love and to forgive as Christ did. This is a time of refreshment of friendships and rejuvenation of the mind to the extend of making people around you understand the unconditional love that Christ Jesus showed on the cross. A replicate must occur to show that we are truly bore by His love, grace and mercy.
God's amazing grace and mercy now obligates us to love and to forgive as Christ did. This is a time of refreshment of friendships and rejuvenation of the mind to the extend of making people around you understand the unconditional love that Christ Jesus showed on the cross. A replicate must occur to show that we are truly bore by His love, grace and mercy.
Do you
recognize Jesus Christ as your King and Lord?
mercy God showed is to all mankind. We can now walk into Gods present through
His son Jesus Christ. You know you have a choice to chose eternal life or
eternal condemnation. After life on earth there is only two places one can
be…Hell or Heaven. Christ have given us the sure way to salvation and to life
everlasting. Chose life because God loves you and me. May the peace and joy of
this very purpose of Christ death and resurrection reign in your life.
the corner stone, who bore my sins,
through man,
by the hand of man,
in whole by man,
hand can harm, no heart can calm,
spring of life, the living spring,
A road
as tight, He endured for man,
shame He took, on the cross today,
took our heavy sins away,
In the
tomb down He lay,
the times, he’s defeat hurray,
he strains, life he reigns.
hope and reconciliation for all
our eyes upon Him to gaze,
So He
died to save,
No one
says yes when no he says,
life as a carpenter never stopped His mission,
light to the world however brought no omission,
died on the cross today, for our sins he lay,
He has
risen again, to raise those who lay astray.
is the reason for the season, celebrate!!!!
.....Abraham John
Let the true purpose of his celebration be
published :28th March, 2013.
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