Saturday, 26 August 2017

He's fine, he's handsome, he treats you right, he buys you things,,, but one thing I wanna ask is -
Does he respect the woman you are?
Does he respect the mystery of womanhood?
Does he know the five love languages?
He calls you beauty, calls you darling, calls you even sexy
But has he ever call you blessed,,,?
A woman of virtue...?
I’m not trying to side but some women throw themselves and they think it’s a right to call them blessed,,,, its earn...
So drop your ego and learn the steps.(Prov. 31:10-end).
You say you are a man,,,, hmm,,,, You have all the cars, houses and luxuries to woo any woman of your choice into loving you and you call yourself a champ...hmm nice...
But one question for you...Do you have what it takes to love and care for her till the end? You think it’s all about the money, cars, food and whatever,,, Its more than that.
Yet, I'm not saying this things are not good coz they are...In fact it is very essential and of utmost priority to provide for the get busy brother,,, It isn’t promised that the road is gonna be easy. So you got to work hard and unrelenting and be responsible for the one you claim to love and care for.
Back to you pretty one.
What really gets you attracted to a man...oh his voice, his touch, he’s tall, he’s short, he’s charming...he’s a governor’s son, a president’s son, he is my choir director, my President, my church youth leader, hmm the list could go on...
Calm down,,, It’s obvious that we judge a book by its cover not the order words we pay attention to the container instead of the content.
Look, I woke up this morning in the vibe of this inspiration because I'm pissed off or rather in a low tune I'm concerned about so many things happening and society today,,, broken homes, rejected children, abused kids, rape of innocent, incest, and the pressure of friends and family. In our society today, single parenting is at its peak not because they wanted it that way but because everyone seems to be getting away with it and it now seem to be ok. I mean Its not okay.
See AB is not perfect but it’s time we shift our mindset and thoughts to begin to think about vision and not just to think but to pray for the spirit of discernment.
Woman, you are precious, bold and beautiful ...and one day a man is gonna come to ask of your hand...who is it gonna be?...
Man, you are strong and intelligent… and one day you gonna ask a woman's hand, who is she gonna be?
Wedding is a celebration but marriage is a life time institution. In a book I read, it described marriage as the only institution that awards a certificate as you begin the journey not at the end.
Begin to write your story.
Be a man and woman of purpose that God has designed.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Never underestimate your capabilities. ~Abraham...