Thursday, 9 October 2014


This one from a great mind

I call for revolution
a silent evolution
that sanity be returned to mankind
i call for evolution
that would quake the hearts of men
let this call ring thru our dark alleys
pierching thru the deepest streets of our minds
let this call sing till my throat is slit
and my blood spree across the streets
from captivity of this slavery
from myopic cages of our thoughts
and the savagery instincts of our age
I call for a rebellion
deep within the hearts of men
one not stained with blood
one free from sinister alliances for power
such lust that has tainted this call for ages
one not for applause or office
like whirlwind cleansing from within
for such has our saviour called beyond the ties of affinity
a revolution to men and their mind-kind.
#Anselem kadiri(2014)

Saturday, 27 September 2014


If you are alive today and reading this little article from me, I want to say it is a privilege for you to know the truth and to have it come in this form. I was touched out of one most intense inspiration to write this and share to the world. It was a privilege for me and for you my dear reader. Abraham John
We have eyes to see and there exist the blind, it was just a privilege.
We have food to eat and there are still starving people, it was just a privilege.
We wear beautiful cloths and all kinds of beauty, yet still exist some with no cloths, it was a privilege.
We drive our cars and splash on people with ignorance, yet it was just a privilege.
We sleep on beds with soft warmth but yet there are people who sleep on rock, wood, it was just a privilege.
We wake up in the morning and sing praises to God yet our hearts ungrateful, Look even the birds exalt Him and yet it was a privilege.
We laugh at the downfall of a brother thinking he is not worth it, yet it was a privilege.
We get educated in one of the most prestigious schools, yet some even better than us sited in the streets of lost, yet it was a privilege.
We brag that all we hard is the fruit of our labour, yet some people labour and you cheat on them and they are called names, yet it was a privilege.
We speak good English yet if a person says a wrong, instead of a correction and correlation is a spite of damage and rejection, yet it was a privilege.
We seek for people to know our good yet the pride of life is the order, yet it is just a privilege.
We seek peace yet we fight down the poor and the poor exist without a war, yet it is just a privilege.
We grumble for the little we have in as much someone out there is wanting to become like us, yet it is just a privilege.
Why do we get so carried away by the seasons and the cravings of this life? Why do we have to feel so important that we could even overlook the sorrow in someone’s life? Why do we have to be so rude when we are asked for a favour in calmness? Why do we have to relent in the quest to help others rise above their difficulties and challenges in life? If you think you suffer then you do not know what life has been for others.  If you are in the world today and you do not see the need to carry your brother or you pass by a friend who has nothing. You ask for things in return when you are to grant an unconditional favour. Why do we get so full of ourselves thinking we own it all? We think so we live. Our lives should have a replica effect in the lives of other people. Not just any kind but a one that feels love when it is time to love, hurt when it is time of hurt, sorrow when it comes as sorrow, mourning when it come to the time of mourning. We believe in the people that have the power to be. I have a great believe that no man on earth is born by a mistake because God knows and has a plan for each soul that has its breath on this earth (Psalm 139).
Man is an image of God and man has the ability to change and become a reason for leaving of others. We hold a duty as privileged people to reach out to this hearts that I cannot bear to see fading away like the clouds. We hold a duty to make believe in others that they can have a better life than ours; we hold a duty to let people and hearts know that we care and we have the good of the life of Christ in us. We hold a duty to let the world know that it does not have to do with the condition we find ourselves in but the condition we can make change today.  The ability God has granted you today is an ability to serve and to save not just to stand and sigh. Men, I cry deep in my heart when I see how people treat their fellow humans. It is a time we rejuvenate and make a cling to the life eternal. How long are we going to keep on been served when it is high time we serve.

You have what it takes to love but you do not show love,
You have the heart to love, but you hurt in return.
You have the mouth to utter life, but you kill with your tongue,
You have the hand to give but instead you covet
You have the legs to go, but instead to sit
You have the eyes to see but instead you turn
The pains in their hearts it too much to bear, the cries in their eyes, to too much to feel.
“We are fortunate; we have much more than what we need to be content. Let’s try not to feed this endless cycle of consumerism and immortality of which this “modern and advanced” society forgets and blatantly ignores the other two-thirds of our brothers and sisters”.

It is indeed a privilege.

"What we see today is a reality of the effect of all our actions, live to serve" Abraham John
 "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil". Eph. 5:16.

Written By: Abraham John
Twitter: @ABB_abraham

Monday, 28 July 2014



So life makes us stand in awe,
wondering the way forward and 
craving a better tomorrow. 
We stand before the strongest and dengerous hills and mountains, 
we live within our weakest struggle. 
As we humble.
It takes a right to be right.
A wrong always a wrong.
So men, two wrongs don't make it right.
Yea, truth bleads like no one cares.
But we stand. The future stands.
We live, the futrue lives.
We build dreams and so believe and live The Future Protocol lives. 
It silently still and never ears die.

by Abraham John


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

by Marinne Williamson


Courage is a hard thing to figure. You can have courage based on a dumb idea or mistake, but you're not supposed to question adults, or your coach or your teacher, because they make the rules. Maybe they know best, but maybe they don't. It all depends on who you are, where you come from. Didn't at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up, and joining with the other side? I mean, valley of death that's pretty salty stuff. That's why courage it's tricky. Should you always do what others tell you to do? Sometimes you might not even know why you're doing something. I mean any fool can have courage. But honor, that's the real reason for you either do something or you don't. It's who you are and maybe who you want to be. If you die trying for something important, then you have both honor and courage, and that's pretty good. I think that's what the writer was saying, that you should hope for courage and try for honor. And maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some, too.

Published by ABRAHAM JOHN
The Future protocol.

Thursday, 20 February 2014


The Shadow of Tear

Life has made me to understand that little things have eternal value and console present life situations. Little things can make a whole world smile and yet little things can make a disaster in a quiet world. The little things we do overlook are the things that actually matter the most. Even though we always try to act so holy. Thinking we are just minding our business, we are really minding our business and overlooking God’s business. Romans 12: 9 Says “Don’t just pretend that you love others, really love them, hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of good”.

The bible further quotes verse 16, “Live in harmony with each other. Don’t try to act important but enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all”.
It’s really not a thing of surprise because in one way or the other we all have gone down that part either meeting the situation or being a victim. Things like these could happen when a promotion comes, an achievement, a gift or complements etc. Many at times we feel we are better and we deserve it, yet there is really work out there yet to be done. We are so busy doing our own work,, writing our own history and getting the worlds rewards, remarks and recommendations but yet we forget God’s work, God’s eternal history, remark and recommendation.

Why then do we act so holy when a lot of things are out there that needs to be done, why then do we feel so important when there are many people out there who feel like nothing and need someone to care, share and dare to bring them in. Tell them the resounding joyous inscription “Jesus loves you”. Why then do we think the world can change with the attitude we overlook. “I don’t really care”, “it’s not my responsibility”, “I have enough to deal with already”, this are excuses we often use to cover up a little kindness to a weary world, deal with it.

Its time to think and rethink again, it’s time to humble one’s self rather than exulting when the ultimate God really can’t say anything. Your rating is low, poor and minus. The little things that can change the world.

 That little girl trying to cross the road, give her a hand no matter the rush”. That granny struggling to get a bus, give her your space or grasp a chair for her. That boy sitting with no food close to you, take some out of your little and give out. That crying world close to you might be the one God is longing you change.

“The big picture of the world might be a little kindness not overlooked to that little world around you”…Abraham John

Seek to give light no matter how small it may be, it might reach a ripple effect in the life of someone today. Do the work with the world God placed beside you. Let us move out of our comfort zone to show love and care to those the Lord brings across our path.
If we say we love God and our hearts are filled with His love then let it show in words and deeds.
As a fact you are working or walking, you might be running, but have you looked at the face you just passed by? He needs you. All day we work out and being so preoccupied, busy to notice the weary eyes that sit across, beside and in front of you. What a world. Never let someone feel lonely when you are there.

Many people are sitting in alone, tired and wondering how life has been unfair. Why because people are full of themselves, they could care less about the needs of others. Some are afraid to ask, for fear of discrimination and rejection. It happens every day.
What’s it like to feel so alone? What's it like to feel the world has rejected you?

You know:
“I learned to give not because I have many, but because I know exactly how it feels to have NOTHING”

To stretch your soul, reach out with Jesus love….ODB

WRITTEN BY : Abraham John

Sunday, 26 January 2014

A Friend, A Friend indeed!

A Friend, A Friend indeed,
The fast farce fist that bits.
Even its beauty hides within a truthful lie of its beams.
It’s not about the woven stripes of clothes,
or the dove like kind of loafs,
a wolf so said in a sheep’s clothing.

She dances and makes merriment to all and to a heart she cared for,
she kills without a second thought.
Like a river overflowing,
so her dept of lonely love keeps on Roaring.
She fills a heart of hurt with kits of fitly ash.
Then cuts feels the heart of a friend.

A friend does not break the bone and lives it broken,
When times comes trouble, a friend sings in tune to awoken,
Kind words, pierce hugs and soft whispers,
A friend does not appear a sad,
But a strength that keeps a heart apt
It takes a heart that loves, 

I mean LOVE (GOD) to be a true friend.
Hope you find a heart that say’s God.

"Never leave your friend especially in a fire" 
Poem By Abraham John
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