The story that
changes things and makes broken bones heal……
The future is not certain, but in faith we believe the best of it despite all odds, ups and downs. The greatest test of time is the test of the future. Many people today have come across this kind of situation ones or more than ones as it may be in there lives – the demand and pressure to succeed in life, the demand and frustration of no admission, the frustration of job acquirement, the trouble of a life partner, the frustration of barrenness. Note, barrenness does not only mean the barrenness of the womb but also the barrenness of success. A man that struggle for his life, the food to eat, the cloth to wear, the house to shelter, you know, no one knows how the future is going to be but we only believe the best.
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What will be your story |
“Paul said
in his letter to the Philippians (Philippians
“But whatever were
gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What
is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of
knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider
them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and
be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law,
but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God
on the basis of faith. 10 I want to
know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his
sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the
resurrection from the dead”.
ultimate goal on this earth is to reach
eternity, though not all people have that same view. The world is but the most
physical temporary thing compared to what is called eternity–never ending,
always going, continuous, and everlasting. “We are like pencils in the hand of the creator”. Begin to write
your story today, God has designed us for a very special and specific purpose. Will
your story be on faith or will your story be on what you see and hear? The
realities of life tend to make us believe that God cannot do some certain
things and sometimes we want to make our own believe according to what we see
and hear. The world is full of it, you cannot make it, you cannot go through it
successfully, you will fail if you try. Once we have forgotten our creator, who
says everything is possible with Him, we find ourselves in so many kinds of
unsolved problems that we can’t imagine. God has a way in reaching out to His
people. “what seemed impossible in the
eyes of men, is very much possible in the eyes of God” but it can not be
effective except we believe. Sarah and Abraham's condition of not bearing a
child is a situation that seemed impossible in the eyes of men, but God showed
the eyes of men that God is God and He can do and undo. You know , your life
might be faced with some serious troubles unknown to men, you feel like the
world has come down on you, you feel rejected and dejected, you feel no one
cares and care of nothing. You have a dream many people have, but they could
not achieve it, why because they do not believe, that same dream you can
achieve and people will wonder how was it that possible – God.
Dear friends, this was a true life story featured in a movie titled “The First Grader” written by Ann Peacock. The First Grader is a heart warming and inspiring tale of one man's fight for what he believes is his right in order to overcome the burdens of his past. It is a triumphant testimony to the transforming force of education. A remarkable story of a man 84 year-old Kenyan villager and ex Mau Mau freedom fighter who fights for his right to go to school for the first time to get the education he could never afford. He is an illiterate member of the Kikuyu tribe in Kenya who enrolled in rural primary school in 2003, when he was 84 In a small, remote mountain top primary school in the Kenyan bush, hundreds of children are jostling for a chance for the free education newly promised by the Kenyan government. One new applicant causes astonishment when he knocks on the door of the school. He is Maruge (Oliver Litondo), an old Mau Mau veteran in his eighties, who is desperate to learn to read at this late stage of his life.
Dedicated to my dearest friend, to whom my heart seeks after, who hoped but never had faith because of doubt and fear of the unknown. It’s your story, I believe your story can change, I believe it’s never too late to make a turn and make things right once again. Have faith and believe once more…because in Christ you have nothing to lose….”though surrounded by a multitude, you will soar high, you will be different because the impossible became possible”.
Good things come to those who wait
Better things come to those who don’t give up
And the best things come to those who just believe!!
God blesses our actions that we take in faith. And then we can bless others to strengthen their faith. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He is a Rewarder to all who have faith in Him……daily devotions by Peter Kennedy
“Faith is an active creative force.” – J.H. Oldham
God’s Word: “‘If you can?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for him who believes.’” Mark 9:23…….daily devotions by Peter Kennedy
by Abraham John
of June, 2013
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